Friday, February 4, 2011

January 31st, 2011










  1. I want crab cakes!

    We have a ton of nests like that in our pecan trees too jessica. I want to get a pic, but everything just comes out looking gray and blah. I'm intrigued by the curling bark on your trees.

    Julie - Did you do anything to get the colors brighter when you were editing? I'm really enjoying the very emerald green and the neon yellow of Kaiya's (Quinne's?) dress. Pretty photo and a nice idea. I like that you will get inspired by a photo and actually act on the inspiration, but still create something new. I just stew and say to myself "I wish I had shot that!"

    Mel - You aren't one of the anti-feet people, right? I like this photo. I would have been so afraid to use a flash in one of the girl's rooms while they were sleeping. When I first started shooting daily last year I was totally taken by changing perspective. The SLR lenses were so versatile! Do you have a lens with a low f-stop - down to like 1.8 like mine or 1.4 like Julie's (I think). They're SO much fun for photos like this.

    Michelle I adore this picture. Actually I disagree with Julie (I think) sort of - I like that the faces are indistinct. It makes it not as great as a family memory, but it makes the photo really interesting. Like you guys are fading away - makes me think of Back to the Future when Michael J. Fox is fading from the photograph.

    For mine - I think the daily shoot this day was repetition. The whole time I was shooting I was thinking that if I post this I'll NEVER get Michelle to come back to Texas!

    Tia - aww I LOVE the one month shot. What a great idea and your elementary school teacher lettering is awesome. Love his little fist and >almost< smile.

  2. I do in fact hate feet, but not McK's :) The lens I have doesn't go that low, once I think I might actually be learning something I will buy more lenses.

  3. Thanks, and yes, Quinne's outfit was dayglo green that day. I don't really like how bright it is in the photo, one of the reasons I placed texture over it. But thanks anyway... :-)
